/* TEAM */ Lead Developer: Matthew Wang Site: https://matthewwang.me/ Twitter: malsf21 GitHub: malsf21 Backend Specialist and App Co-Developer: Dylan Dao GitHub: dylandao99 Note: This guy deserves a lot of credit: originally coming on as a backend developer, he also stepped up and helped with web and mobile application. Lead Graphic Designer: Mary Jiang Note: Mary put in a lot of work and effort, she deserves a lot of thanks! She worked tirelessly to make these amazing designs, and our site wouldn't look clean without them. Team Lead: Melvin Wang GitHub: wmmc88 Note: Melvin straight up pulled all nighters for his team regularly, one of the most dedicated team leads. Even if he was having a bad day, he made sure that we could solve all of our problems. Blog Post Writers: Matthew Wang Nina Lam Judy Wu Website Feedback: Yu Hong Christopher Mohan Nina Lam Bill Tong Nyle Arora /* THANKS */ Everybody on our team page (https://foodspan.ca/team/), but specific thanks to: Prototype Design Specialist: Abhinav Boyed Note: Housed us 3 times, and also owns a 3D printer. Wouldn't have been possible without him. Hardware Specialist: Aman Adhav Note: Aman went hard in the paint on the hardware, especially the display. His dedication to FoodSpan won't go unhonoured. Team Mentor: Patrick Marchand Note: Patrick took his time out of his busy work schedule to help us out, kids that he didn't know, make FoodSpan awesome! His feedback and professional insight was amazing, and we're forever grateful. John Mace for being an inspiration to the development and design team. Jack Sarick for being the worst, but best possible mentor. /* SITE */ Developed for and with: HTML5, CSS3 Repo: https://github.com/FoodSpan/foodspan-website Site Frameworks and Components can be found at our README, either at https://foodspan.ca/README.md or our repo at https://github.com/FoodSpan/foodspan-website Shoutout to especially Bootstrap and Jekyll as they've acted as main frameworks for our site and smoothed things out. Bootstrap: https://getbootstrap.com Jekyll : https:/jekyllrb.com /* FINAL NOTES */ Thanks for reading this humans.txt! We're happy to bring to you FoodSpan, and we hope you enjoy it. - Lead Developer Matthew Wang